Do you want to become

A Fit Cook?

Learn how to build your body in the kitchen.

Start Cooking

Interested in improving your relationship with food?

We don't always realize how big an impact food can have on our health. It impacts so much more than just our weight. It impacts our mental health. It impacts our relationships with ourselves and others. It impacts our happiness and how much we can enjoy life.

It starts in the kitchen.

If you want to change your life, start in the kitchen. We're often unaware of what we're putting into our bodies. We live on autopilot and have a hard time cultivating a sense of mindfulness when it comes to what we eat.

Change your food, change your life.

Once you understand that your relationship with food impacts every area of your life, you are well on your way to freedom. By acquiring a few tools like the right kitchen and pantry staples, and understanding how to meal prep, you can set yourself up for success as you begin your journey for health and happiness.

"The path to living healthier and happier begins in the kitchen with what we feed our bodies. So, eat happy and be well."

- Kevin

Introducing: The Fit Cook Masterclass

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Start your health journey by learning the importance of meal prep when it comes to your overall health and happiness. In this masterclass, you'll learn how to meal prep, the tools required to meal prep, and how to tailor meal prepping to fit your specific needs. You'll learn how to track your progress and stick to a healthy lifestyle that is realistic, enjoyable, and shows results.

An online course for meal prepping.

The Fit Cook at a glance...

Module 1:  Introduction

Everybody has a why for doing what they do. In this module, I share why I started this course and why I changed my relationship with food. We'll also explore your current relationship with food in this module.

Module 2: Getting To Your Why

Learn who this course is for and what to expect in this course. In this module, we'll also brainstorm what you want to take away from this course and discover your why.

Module 3: Kitchen Essentials

Learn the essential kitchen equipment needed for meal prepping success. In this module, I'll share some of my favorites including skillets, knives, blenders, and more.

Module 4: Pantry Essentials

Learn about the pantry staples you should keep on hand for meal prepping. In this module, we'll explore the importance of keeping pantry staples on hand and learn the essentials to make every meal come alive with flavor.

Module 5: Diet vs. Lifestyle

Learn the difference between diets and lifestyles to make changes that are realistic and sustainable. In this module, we'll explore popular diets as well as adjustments you can make to your lifestyle and relationship with food.

Module 6: Meal Prep 101

In this module, we'll start to prepare for meal prepping by exploring the ten commandments of meal prep. We'll discuss everything from budgeting your money and time to multitasking and having fun with meal prepping.

Module 7: How Much Do I Eat?

Learn how to measure how much food you should be eating for your individual needs, as well as how to balance the three macronutrients you should have at every meal — carbohydrates, proteins, and fat.

Module 8: Let's Meal Prep!

In this module, we'll roll up our sleeves and have a sample meal prep day! Get ready to apply what we've learned so far, have fun, and learn a few recipes you can use for your own meal prepping.

Module 9: Tracking Progress

Tracking your progress is critical for meal prep, which is why using a food journal is so important. In this module, we'll learn to track our progress and cultivate more mindfulness with what we eat.

Module 10: Accelerating Success

In this module, we'll discuss how to accelerate our success from what we've learned during this course. We'll want to do more of what works and less of what doesn't as we each continue on our individual journies to health and happiness.

You'll gain access to...

  10 Modules of Information with Videos

  X Downloadable Worksheets

Who should join The Fit Cook?

You should join...

If you're unhappy with your body.

If you're dissatisfied with life in general.

If you're interested in improving your relationship with food.

If you want greater control over how you spend money on food.

If you're ready to change your life by changing your relationship with food.

If you're ready to become... The Fit Cook.

Our bodies are built in the kitchen and sculpted in the gym.

The Fit Cook Masterclass


In this meal prep masterclass, you'll learn how to change your life by changing the food you eat. Here you'll gain the knowledge and skills to improve your relationship with the food you eat.

Instant Access

Have Additional Questions?

The Fit Cook Masterclass


In this meal prep masterclass, you'll learn how to change your life by changing the food you eat. Here you'll gain the knowledge and skills to improve your relationship with the food you eat.

Instant Access

About Kevin

Kevin Curry is the founder of FitMenCook, an online community that inspires men and women to eat healthy and stay fit with healthy recipes that in Kevin’s words, “are never, ever boring.” With over 2 million followers around the world, Kevin has become one of today’s most sought-after personalities in nutrition, health and wellness.